- Monday to Thursday 9:00 - 17:45
- Friday 9:00 - 16:15
- Last appointments 15 minutes before closing
Bank Holidays:
AV Store induction
AV Store Code of Practice
IT Service Management & support
E-STORE payments
Risk Assessment Libary
If you require equipment for use during university breaks such as Summer, Spring, and Winter breaks, please follow the outlined booking procedure below:
Upon receipt of your email, we will extend the booking on your behalf and provide confirmation directly to your inbox.
To borrow from the AV Store students must complete an online induction.
Q: Why can’t I sign into the booking system at all?
A: Double check you are using the correct Connect2 page and username and password. The username is your ID number and your chosen password. If you haven’t already chosen a password then it will be your default one (For example your date of birth, 10April24). The password is the same password you use to log in to your emails. If this is correct and still not working contact IT services and request a password reset.
Q: Why can’t I book the equipment I want?
A: Not all equipment is available to all users. There are some restrictions based on course and/or year, and some access requires you to have completed the specific induction process for that equipment.
You will need to complete the AV Store induction to borrow any equipment.
Q: I’m not part of the Arts & Humanities department, can I still book and use the equipment?
A: Equipment and facilities available through this booking system are not available to everyone at the University, they are restricted to courses.
Q: Where can I collect equipment booked from the AV Store?
A: AV Store Chatham 1.19, Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Q: Can you make a booking for me?
A: Users are responsible for making their own bookings however staff can advise if users are having difficulties.
Q: I successfully completed the AV Store induction and the quiz and still don’t have access! Why not?
A: It can take up to 48hrs to process student accounts. Online induction has been open and accessible since the start of term. We will endeavour to process quicker than this, however, please do not contact the AV Store unless more than 3 working days have passed. You will receive email confirmation when this is complete.
AV Store - Code of Practice
The Code of Practice sets out the terms and conditions which apply to students and staff of the Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University who borrow specialist equipment from the AV Store.